
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
Well, here we are, the last episode of Season 2... it's been a blast, filled with memorable moments, exciting trivia games, and more dumb jokes than an amateur stand-up club. Thank you to all you listeners out there who've come along with us for all this crazy stuff.
Okay, enough sad things! In honor of this being the season finale, David and Seth decided to test their friendship with a trivia game to see just how well they know each other. Let's just say... it doesn't end well. (Spoilers: both of them were really tired and anyway something just seems off.)
David's Fun Fact:
This episode has actually been in the works since Improvapalooza, but since it was so funny when we recorded it we decided to save it for the last episode of Season 2. I do a majority of the post-production for these episodes, and this is the hardest episode I've had to edit yet because I was laughing so hard. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
Here we are... the penultimate episode of Season 2 already, and boy is it neat. We've joked about it here and there throughout the season, but this week we're finally tackling one of the most popular tabletop games of the last five years--Dungeons & Dragons! (Yes, we know it's been around longer, but now it's actually COOL to say you like/play D&D.)
Featuring returning guest Lucas, founder of Scintilla Studio, join Seth and David for a lively conversation on this fortysomething pen-and-paper game. We'll talk mechanics, history, and many, many embarrassing stories about things our characters have done over the years...
Seth's Fun Fact:
As of the time of this episode, I have redeemed my character's... inadvisable usage of "Meld into Stone." For the second time in our campaign, I used the spell, but this time it was to remove myself from a barfight with a dwarf whom our party's wizard had magically grown to nine feet tall. It makes sense in context.

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
It's been in the works since Season 1, and it's finally here--a Swedish polka episode!
...okay, maybe not. The booking didn't exactly work out on that one.
Instead, how about another "explains" episode? This time, Seth takes the plunge and workshops David through several different stage accents! (If you've already listened through the GNAPcast's Improvapalooza episode, you'll know that this may not end well...)
Come along with Seth and David as they explain, attempt, and laugh their way through four different stage accents (while also apologizing profusely for the sheer amount of exaggeration).
Fun Facts & Extra Stuff! - Seth
As it turns out, neither one of the "spoilers" I found for Infinity War turned out to be accurate...I mean, people have been saying that Cap or Tony would die since Age of Ultron, but nobody talks about Tony Stark losing an arm, so I thought it might actually be accurate. Shows what I know.
Received Pronunciation (RP) - Though less common in actual society than it used to be (considering that this accent sort of assumes that the middle class doesn't exist), RP is still one of the quintessential stage accents. It's notable for strong 'T's and an overall sense of precision, as if every sound is carefully chosen beforehand. One must put up a good face for one's people, after all.
Cockney - Interestingly, the modern London accent has a lot of overlap with Cockney, though a bit less pronounced. For an excellent example of both strong Cockney and RP accents, watch the film "My Fair Lady." Cockney is also notable for its extremely long vowel sounds and its impressive lilt, or pitch fluctuations.
Italian - One of the most impressive Italian accents I've ever heard from a non-native is Roger Craig Smith's portrayal of Ezio Auditore da Firenze, from the Assassin's Creed games. For a long time, I didn't even realize he wasn't Italian because the accent sounded so natural. Two of the defining characteristics of this accent are its rate of speed and its vocal bounciness. Even in a more subtle Italian accent, the sound seems to go up and down more, if that makes sense.
Irish - The Irish accent has this strange mixture of softness, energy, and musicality. Different speakers and different roles may choose to emphasize one more than the other, but all three are there in some capacity. Liam Neeson is one of the most prominent Irish actors nowadays, but he doesn't use his native accent all that much... except in The Phantom Menace, for some reason.

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
EPISODE 2.21 - Lots and Lots of LEGO! (David Explains - Classic LEGO Games)
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
As we start to get towards the end of Season 2, here's another thing we haven't done since Season 1--an "explains" episode!
Join us this week as David turns the clock back and talks about some of the old LEGO games from before they really got going (and in some cases, before he was alive!). We'll journey to an island of LEGOs, race around a crazy racetrack doing time trials, and find out how bad LEGO used to be at naming characters! #VeronicaVoltage
Fun Facts & Extra Stuff! - David
I've done not one but TWO speedruns for LEGO Racers 2 since we recorded this episode. I'm actually ranked 3rd in the world for Any% and 2nd in the world for 100%.
As it turns out, Galidor was LEGO's worst theme, nearly causing them to go bankrupt in 2002. The TV show didn't get good ratings, the sets didn't sell very well, and this particular game wasn't even finished. The GBA version was finished in 2002, but the versions for PC and PlayStation were abandoned when the game studio (Asylum Entertainment) had to cancel its release due to financial instability. The PC version of the game was later published (unfinished) in LEGO game bundles, which is how I came across it in the first place. From my research, the PC version is generally regarded as an absolutely terrible game, with horrible graphics, repetitive music loops, weird controls, and various glitches and bugs. Even so, I don't care--in fact, it's still one of my favorite games. (Isn't nostalgia great?) I even the current Any% world record, beating the previous world record by nearly 8 minutes!
If you'd like to see me playing some of these games, check out my YouTube channel, MyTMorty Gaming!

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
We're back this week with another Would You Rather? game, with a twist--our new guest Carolyn also has absolute pitch, making this a perfect pitch party!
Join Seth, David, and Carolyn as they explore a world of hypothetical situations involving music and other artistic pursuits. Along the way, we'll discover that Seth really wants to speak in autotune, David thinks it'd be cool to sing on a timpani, and Carolyn has an adorable Toothless plushie. Shut up, you're biased.
This episode features Carolyn, a music major with perfect pitch and also a thing for rollercoasters.
You can play along at home! Ask yourself only the most important question: Would You Rather?

Thursday May 30, 2019
EPISODE 2.19 - His Middle Name is "Sand" (Legends Google Autofill Game)
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
As if there hasn't been enough Star Wars Legends this season, we're back with one of our favorite games and a dynamic duo--Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister!
...okay, not really. Too soon for a Game of Thrones joke?
Anyway, join Seth and David this week as they ask and answer Google's top questions about Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. We'll also discover that David and Seth have learned how to alphabet since the last time they did a Star Wars episode; but that the internet, to no one's surprise, doesn't do grammar so well...
Fact Checks & Extra Stuff! - Seth
Weekly GEM (Seth) - The thing I didn't mention from Fire Emblem Fates is the fact that, having been reunited with your birth mother for the first time since your birth, you then kill her with a magical exploding sword that you didn't know was actually a bomb and then turn into a giant ragey dragon monster. And that's the prologue. Then again, that's pretty standard for Fire Emblem.
"Does Obi-Wan appear in Star Wars: Rebels?" -- Actually, he does. Though it's not from the Legends canon, Old Ben Kenobi features in an episode of the show's third season, "Twin Suns," in a final fight with his nemesis Darth Maul...who somehow knows where he is...when the entire Empire has been hunting Jedi for the last nineteen years and can't find him...
"Does Obi-Wan die?" -- According to my math, neither Vader nor Obi-Wan was as old as the characters in Up. At the time of A New Hope, Vader would have been forty-one years old, while Ben would have been fifty-seven. But just 'cause it's fun, here's the fight between Carl and Charles Muntz from Up.
"Does Obi-Wan have PTSD?" -- A'Sharad Hett is another Jedi who survived Order 66, but fell to the dark side through his desire for vengeance against the Empire. After a duel with Obi-Wan on Tatooine (resulting in the latter removing another forearm with a lightsaber), A'Sharad Hett wandered the galaxy and eventually resurfaced nearly one hundred and fifty years later as Darth Krayt, leader of the One Sith. You can find his full story in the Star Wars: Legacy comics.
"Does Anakin Skywalker have a middle name?" -- "Consort of the Lady Vader" is the title originally given to Han Solo by the Noghri in Dark Force Rising. ;) They later start calling him "Han clan Solo," but that first one makes me laugh every time I read it.
"Why does Anakin Skywalker join the dark side?" -- YOU DON'T KNOW THE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE
"What does 'Obi-Wan' mean?" -- I couldn't find anything conclusive on this, aside from the fact that you can write his name as if he were a droid: OB-1-KNB. Beep boop.
"How did Anakin Skywalker's Padawan die?" -- Shaak Ti was not fated to survive Revenge of the Sith. There are at least two deleted scenes of her being killed from that film: first at the beginning by General Grievous (as David mentioned), and then again during the attack on the Jedi Temple by Anakin Skywalker (replacing the scene in the final cut of him murdering the younglings). No love for Shaak Ti, apparently...
"Does Anakin Skywalker scar?" -- Here is the entire fight, from Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (2003), featuring the climactic duel between Anakin and Asajj Ventress on Yavin 4. This is the moment in the Legends canon where Anakin gets his notable facial scar, as well as being the moment that convinces the Jedi Council to promote him to full Knighthood. On the subject of scars, here's an official explanation for the scar on Harrison Ford's chin.
"Can Anakin Skywalker use Force lightning?" -- The way it's explained in-universe is that you can only project Force lightning through a flesh-and-blood hand, and since Anakin had only one and a half arms at the point where he was powerful enough to be able to summon it, his potential for doing so was dramatically diminished. Interestingly, Force lightning has a light-side counterpart dubbed "electric judgment," seen to be used by Jedi such as Plo Koon and Luke Skywalker in a handful of places.
"Does Obi-Wan like Asajj Ventress?" -- Though most probably think Duchess Satine from the Clone Wars animated series is the forbidden love we keep mentioning, it's actually a fellow Jedi. Siri Tachi was a fellow learner when Obi-Wan was Qui-Gon's Padawan. The two were really close, and when both were Knights almost left the order together to pursue something. ...and then she was killed by a bounty hunter named Magus months before the Clone Wars broke out. :( OTP...

Thursday May 23, 2019
EPISODE 2.18 - Two Girls Meet at a Summer Camp... (Classic Disney Films)
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
We're turning back the clock this week on the GNAPcast to chat about some classic Disney films! Except these all have actual people in them for some reason... weird.
Anyhow, join Seth and David as they discuss some of their favourite live-action Disney films from before they were born! We'll also find out that Seth apparently needs more sleep before recording these things, and that Sean Bean is finally in a movie where he doesn't die! (But which one?? Stay tuned to find out...)
Seth's Fun Fact:
As I may have demonstrated already on this show, I have a bizarre memory for names and dates. We mentioned just a couple of the animated Disney films near the end of this episode, but there was a point in time where I could name EVERY ANIMATED DISNEY FILM up to 2009 (not counting the Pixar films) in the correct chronological order. High school me really needed a life...
![EPISODE 2.17 - Our Worst [Gaming] Nightmares (Scary Video Game Enemies)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2447335/GNAPCast_S2_logo_-_Ep_17_300x300.jpg)
Thursday May 16, 2019
EPISODE 2.17 - Our Worst [Gaming] Nightmares (Scary Video Game Enemies)
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
This week we seem to have traumatized Seth, or at the very least dredged up a lot of bad memories from video games. But never fear, the GNAPcast is a great place for a group therapy session! ...Yeah, not really.
Join Seth and David this week as they talk about some of the most terrifying enemies and moments they've experienced in video games, firsthand or otherwise. We'll also discover that David watches more games than he plays, and that Seth is really bad at performing melee actions, especially when they involve spiders.
Fun Facts & Extra Stuff:
Here's an example of someone fighting the spiders from Dragon Age: Origins, featuring a near-fatal Overwhelm towards the end - Seth
This was the boss fight that drove me nuts the first time I played Tomb Raider (2013), starting at 3:43 - Seth
The Harvester transformation I mentioned from Dragon Age II, beginning at 3:12 -- beware mild spoilers - Seth
Batman: Arkham Origins is one of those games with knives that I mentioned... picture this, but failing every single counter because I messed up the combos - Seth
Here's a short video explaining how the whole elemental resistances thing works in Dragon Age Inquisition. Sadly, I don't have capture of a two-and-a-half-hour long boss fight... - Seth
One of the first Kingdom Hearts bosses I ever fought, I managed to beat Crimson Prankster without knowing that it would re-duplicate if you messed up. Here's an example of that fight - Seth
The Omega Pirate, from the first Metroid Prime game, is still regarded as one of the hardest bosses - David
Bonnie! - David
This is part of Markiplier's Let's Play of "Joy of Creation," featuring all the terrifying Fredbear mechanics I mentioned in the episode - David
This clip, while not from the main game, features both clickers and bloaters from The Last of Us - David
Here, for your viewing enjoyment, is an episode of Markiplier playing Outlast - David

Thursday May 09, 2019
EPISODE 2.16 - A Hobbit With Ice Magic (X-Men Film Characters)
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
Continuing on with our topic of comic book movies, in this episode we'll be talking about hobbits! (Yes, it will make sense later.)
Join Seth and David this week as they discuss some favourite characters from the X-Men films! Along the way we'll learn that the timelines of these movies get really confusing really quickly, why Seth thinks small children are terrifying yet adorable (well, one small child in particular), and just what the heck halflings from Middle-Earth have to do with any of this!
Seth's Fun Fact:
The first of the "reboot" X-Men films, X-Men: First Class, debuted in 2011. I've watched it numerous times, but it took me UNTIL THE RECORDING OF THIS EPISODE to realize that the titular "first class" refers to the group (class) of mutants featured in the film, rather than referring to a higher caliber (class) of X-Men. Gonna turn in my geek card now...

Thursday May 02, 2019
EPISODE 2.15 - He's a Spider and He's a Man (Spider-Man Films)
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
Last week we delved deep into a complex fictional device that made everyone's head hurt. So, to bring balance to the Force, this week we're talking about everyone's favourite red and blue comic book hero--no, not that one.
That's right, it's Spider-Man (with a hyphen so all the comic book geeks don't kill us)!
Featuring new guest Jules, come along with Seth and David as they debate the pros and cons of the various Spider-Man films (excluding Into the Spider-Verse because it didn't exist yet), try desperately not to talk comic books the whole time, and still end up going on almost as many sidetracks as Grand Central Station (see what we did there?).
This episode features Jules, a pianist from Ohio who may or may not have an entire bookshelf's worth of Spider-Man comics in his apartment.