
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
EPISODE 2.14 - Does Your Head Hurt Yet? (Time Travel/Paradoxes in Pop Culture)
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
Welcome to a very philosophical, literary-heavy episode of the GNAPcast! Pull out your bubble pipes and settle down in that armchair in front of the fire, because today we're talking about one of the most prevalent story devices in pop culture--time travel.
It's an idea that's been around for a few hundred years by now, meaning that time travel has infiltrated almost every single storytelling medium that exists--and we're gonna tackle most of them. Along the way, we'll also talk about some amusing (and confusing) paradoxes, learn why filial relationships can get really complicated when time travel is involved, and that Seth seems to be missing something... quite a few somethings, actually.
Seth's Fun Fact:
I had several other paradoxes to talk about that we didn't quite have time for in the episode, but if you want a fun mental exercise, google the "bootstrap paradox" and try to puzzle that one out. It's quite fascinating! *blows bubbles from bubble pipe*

Thursday Apr 18, 2019
EPISODE 2.13 - Would You Rather 8: Rather Interesting (Internet Game)
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
It's been a while since we've done one of these, but it's time once again to answer the questions that no one's been asking--that's right, we're playing Would You Rather?
Join Seth and David this week as they debate through another series of extremely relevant questions...and find out some dark truths about each other in the process, namely that Seth has an odd aversion to mirrors and that David is a time-travelling maniac who once went almost a month without brushing his teeth. Very Riverdale.
On a lighter note, we'll also find out how long ago this episode was recorded, and just how strongly David feels about mustard. Enjoy!
You can play along at home! Ask yourself only the most important question: Would You Rather?
And here, for your listening... enjoyment, is Buffalo Soldier.

Thursday Apr 11, 2019
EPISODE 2.12 - IMPROVAPALOOZA! (Audio Improv Sketches)
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
Welcome to a very special episode of the GNAPcast, one that was a long time in the planning--it's Improvapalooza, the episode where everything's made up and the points don't matter!
In an episode inspired by their love of improv comedy and shows like Whose Line Is It, Anyway?, join Seth, David, and featuring returning guest Luke and new guest Lucas (aka SparkOtter) as they fumble their way through several improvised comedy sketches (some of which work surprisingly well in a non-visual medium).
Along the way we'll discover that it's really hard for an amnesiac to give a press conference, that Luke and Lucas could both be voice actors, and that every accent David does turns into Arnold Schwarzenegger pretending to be Scottish!
5% Savvy is a musical project created by Seth, Luke, and Lucas with influences from Broadway to Irish folk music. You can find out more about us on Twitter, or by checking out our website. Stay Savvy!

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
EPISODE 2.11 - Unleash Your Dark Side! (Favourite Animated Villains)
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GNAPCAST!! We started this crazy thing a year ago today, and it's been a wild ride with tons of goofy jokes, random trivia, and great memories! Thank you guys for coming along with us. We couldn't have done it without you.
Okay, enough sappy stuff. On with the show!
It's time to let our dark sides out here on the GNAPcast--no, we're not becoming Sith Lords (although we hear they have a fantastic dental plan). We're going to share some of our favourite animated villains, from movies, animated TV shows, and more! (And maybe probably have mostly the same list of villains, for some reason?)
Join Seth and David as they discuss what makes a villain good (as an antagonistic character, not morally), Seth's true motivation for discussing villainy on the show (we still aren't sure if he's actually a villain or not...), and whether or not David actually understands what "scary" means!
Seth's Fun Fact:
The fact that (spoilers) David put Azula, of all people, on his "goofy villain" list got us so off-topic that we spent nearly twenty minutes debating this point before he finally explained his reasoning. Even though she's voiced by Grey Griffin, who's usually known for playing far more lighthearted characters, Azula still remains one of the most terrifying sub-villains I've ever seen in a show...especially when she loses control.

Thursday Mar 28, 2019
EPISODE 2.10 - I've Got A Number For Ya... (Musicals & Showtunes)
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
Last week we talked about film scores that we really enjoy listening to, which got us thinking--what about productions with songs and choreography set to no discernable music source? That's right, guys--it's another episode about musicals!
Join Seth and David as they chat about, spoil, and sing pieces of their favourite songs from musicals. Along the way we'll learn how David and Seth first met; that Seth has a penchant for really depressing songs; and that even after almost a season and a half of being around Seth, David still can't do stage accents at all!
David's Fun Fact:
In case you hadn't already picked up on this, I've been involved in musical theater a fair bit longer than Seth, meaning that I know quite a few more musical numbers than he does. If it seems like I'm talking for the majority of this episode, first of all I apologize; but second, that's why.

Thursday Mar 21, 2019
EPISODE 2.9 - Scores and Scores of Music! (Movie Soundtracks)
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
It's that time again--we're doing another episode about music! After a Weekly GEM involving waaaaaay too long on the wikis, join Seth and David this week as they chat about some of their favourite film scores and composers (who aren't named John Williams).
From Hans Zimmer to Mark Mothersbaugh, Interstellar to The Amazing Spider-Man, come along with us for a journey through some incredible music. In addition, we'll find out that Seth has a thing for matching, while David still can't remember anyone's name.
Seth's Fun Fact:
Just for kicks, here's the full version of the vine featuring "Also Sprach Zarathustra" that we sing to close out the episode. And yes, David is correct--this is a Strauss composition.

Thursday Mar 14, 2019
EPISODE 2.8 - The Avatar Returns! (A:tLA Trivia)
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
Taking cues from our last episode, it's another trivia game! With returning guest Andrew, come along as Seth and David (maybe?) dive deep into the lore of Avatar: The Last Airbender with some improvised quizzes and fact-finding challenges of dubious quality. Beware spoilers again for this excellent show, as well as confusingly-worded questions, nonsensical statements, and Seth barely keeping himself awake!
This episode features returning guest Andrew, a geologist from Massachusetts who's now seen The Last Airbender at least four times all the way through. Can you say "dedication?"
David's Fun Fact: Our original plan for this episode was to talk about anime, another subject Andrew is well-versed in. Once we got into the studio, though, we decided that since we'd talked about Avatar with Andrew back in Season 1 (and before I'd seen it all), it would be fun to discuss it again with some trivia thrown in for good measure.

Thursday Mar 07, 2019
EPISODE 2.7 - Quotable Quotes and Memorable Lines (Geeky Trivia Game)
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
It's time for a new game, one that may or may not be a little bit complicated! Join David and Seth this week as they test each others' knowledge of movie and book quotes from some of their favourite geeky, nerdy topics. Along the way, we'll also discover that Seth has an absurd memory for names, while David might possibly spend just a little bit too much time on the internet.
From Star Wars to Sherlock, come along with us as we fight to the death for supremacy! ...in a trivia game. So, you know. Non-lethally. Unless someone has figured out how to win a war using only trivia quotes, in which case it would be lethal. Hmm... maybe we should market that.
Whatever the case may be, enjoy this game of improbable trivia!

Thursday Feb 28, 2019
EPISODE 2.6 - Back in High School... (Absolute Pitch)
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
Now that we've firmly established the "Geeks and Nerds" part of our title, it's finally time to unpack the other two letters! Join Seth and David this week as they talk about absolute pitch, the phenomenon of recognizing a musical note with no point of reference.
Along the way we'll hear some goofy high school anecdotes, the pros and cons of having perfect pitch, and discover why the national anthem triggers Seth!
Seth's Fun Fact: Remember that microwave/oven beeping that David mentioned two-thirds of the way through the episode? That same thing happened to me not too long ago, and it was bad enough to trigger a violent physical reaction which resulted in me almost dropping a full dish of mashed potatoes. It's hard having perfect pitch...

Thursday Feb 21, 2019
EPISODE 2.5 - My Name is Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl Book 1 Quiz)
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast--your source of geekly entertainment!
And now for something completely unrelated to Star Wars, for once--it's time for another quiz that we probably should have studied for!
Join Seth, David, and their first guest of Season 2, as they debate and logic their way through twenty-four questions about Artemis Fowl, a series of excellent science-fantasy young-adult novels. (As such, this episode contains extensive spoilers about the first book in the series. You have been warned.)
Along the way, we discover that Seth has a really odd memory for anatomical descriptions, David wants to recreate the vocal tones of the mesmer, and that all three of us have read too many books!
This episode features Shelby, a theater design major who really hates drawing fingers.