
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
EPISODE 13 - Everything is Plastic!
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! This week David and Seth kick it old school and discuss something barefoot parents everywhere fear to tread upon--the dreaded LEGOs! *dun dun DUNNNN*
Come along with our dynamic duo (no, not that one) as we reminisce about that ubiquitous building toy that absolutely captured our innocent imaginations and wowed us with cool-looking tech (here's looking at you, Exo-Force)! Along the way, we also explore a question that would have driven our younger selves absolutely bananas...how many LEGOs would you buy with $500?

Thursday May 31, 2018
EPISODE 12 - A Crash (and Burn) Course in Greek Mythology
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! This week, David and Seth break all kinds of GNAPcast trends on the show, including not talking about Harry Potter for the first time in three episodes! Join us as we chat about different aspects of Greek mythology, ranging from its inclusion in pop culture to the Illiad and Odyssey to a really terrible pun we didn't catch until editing! (But hopefully we're all a little smarter by the end...)
MINOR SPOILERS for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, should such a thing be an issue for you. You have been warned!
P.S. If you're curious about the sketch we mentioned in this episode, you can find it on our YouTube channel here: Who's On First?
DISCLAIMER: The GNAPcast does not endorse acts such as eating babies, attempting flight with wax-and-feather wings, or flirting with everything female within a ten-mile radius. Don't worry, all of that will make sense.

Thursday May 24, 2018
EPISODE 11 - Harry Potter and the Quiz We Should Have Studied For (Part 2)
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! In this epic finale to our two-part Harry Potter quiz, we (and Luke) discuss, blindly guess, and dream-logic our way through more trivia questions about the Wizarding World! Come along with us to find out things you never knew you wanted to know about The Boy Who Lived; and again, beware spoilers for this book/film series that now includes a five-part film series based on a textbook mentioned one time in the first book!
This episode features Luke, our Trivia-giver and a man who very much enjoys chunky peanut butter.
You can play along at home, too! Here's the Cleansweep Seven level quiz (easy), here's the Nimbus Two-Thousand level quiz (medium); and if you're really feeling brave, why not tackle the FIREBOLT level (much hard)?!?

Thursday May 17, 2018
EPISODE 10 - Harry Potter and the Quiz We Should Have Studied For (Part 1)
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! Continuing our trend of Harry Potter-themed conversations, this week we (along with our new guest Luke) tackle a trio of tricky trivia games all about The Boy Who Lived. And, y'know, some of his friends. They're sorta important, too. In any case, join us in this extra long, two-part episode for more Potter shenanigans--including some odd guesses and strange reasonings to get there--and once again, beware spoilers for this book/film series that's now almost old enough to get a reboot!
This episode features Luke, a programmer from Maryland with a voice like an angel and a strangely scientific approach to making wand cores.
You can play along at home, too! Here's the Cleansweep Seven level quiz (easy); and here's the Nimbus Two-Thousand level quiz (medium).

Thursday May 10, 2018
EPISODE 9 - "Oh, Bellatrix..."
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! Join us this week as we chat again with Cassie and reminisce about some of our favorite moments from the Harry Potter films (all 9, at the time of this recording). MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING if you haven't seen any of these movies, some of which are fifteen years old now.
This episode features Cassie again, who is definitely not a fan of Hermione getting tortured. That's good, right...?

Thursday May 03, 2018
EPISODE 8 - Would You Rather 3: Revenge of the Rather
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! With a new guest on the show, we return to that age-old GNAPcast tradition of dissecting hypothetical circumstances--Would You Rather? ! In this Rather-sode, we discover that David has a lot of mainstream opinions this time and secretly harbors the desire to be Pikachu. Seth, on the other hand, is apparently a fan of Cinderella's work ethic and hates sleep. Who knew?
This episode features Cassie, a former English major who loves the element of water and is not a fan of eating penguins. (No penguins were harmed in the production of this podcast.)
You can play along at home, too! Ask yourself only the most important question: Would You Rather?
P.S. The achievement in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes we failed to remember during the episode is called "Don't I Know You?"

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
EPISODE 7 - The Airbender Awakens
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! In our follow-up conversation with Andrew, we chat about one of the best-loved animated series of all time--Avatar: The Last Airbender! Join us as we discuss our favorite episodes, dissect various characters' story arcs as they unfold throughout the show, and reveal tons of spoilers for a show that is coming up on thirteen years old! ...And maybe also mention that film that came out that one time. Yeah.
This episode features Andrew again, our resident A:TLA expert and a fan of 2% milk.

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
EPISODE 6 - Would You Rather 2: Rather Harder
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! In this sequel Would You Rather? episode, we have a new guest with us and continue our exercise in pointlessly debating hypothetical circumstances! Not only do we discover that we are all apparently non-conformists here on the channel, but we simultaneously discover that Seth is a monkey.
This episode features Andrew, a former Geology student from Massachusetts who hopes to one day live amongst Space Elves.
You can play along at home, too! Ask yourself only the most important question: Would You Rather?

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
EPISODE 5 - The Mousetrap and the Orangutan
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! Bit of a shorter episode this week as we chat again with Kellyn about various literary genres (SPOILER: we really, really like classic British mysteries), as well as some interesting style affectations in The Grapes of Wrath that threw David for a loop back in high school.
This episode features Kellyn again, who is an avid fan of The Chronicles of Prydain.

Thursday Apr 05, 2018
EPISODE 4 - Would You Rather?
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Heyyy, welcome to the GNAPcast! We're trying out some new things in this episode--not only are we playing the popular internet game Would You Rather? (and turning it into a study on loopholes), we also have our first guest on the show!
This episode features Kellyn, an English major from Washington and an ardent proponent of not punching Pilgrims.
You can play along at home, too! Ask yourself only the most important question: Would You Rather?